
Where I got my information!

Bower, Bert. History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond with student notebook. Palo Alto: Teachers
               Curriculum Inst, 2005.

Savanna. 7 Nov. 2006. West Tisbury Elementary School. 20 Mar. 2009


Tropical Rain Forest. 7 Nov. 2006. West Tisbury Elementary School. 23 Mar. 2009



. 01 Apr. 2009 <>.

"Algebra Help." Oakland Community College. 01 Apr. 2009 <

"Arabic Type, Typography, Design and Visual Culture: The Blog of Tarek Atrissi." Tarek Atrissi Design -
              Hilversum - The Netherlands - Graphic - Interactive designer - Arabic Graphic Design. 01 Apr.
              2009 <>.

"Arabian Traditional Music." WeLove-music. 01 Apr. 2009 <

BBC NEWS | News Front Page. 31 Mar. 2009 <

Climatic Research Unit. 31 Mar. 2009 <

EZikr.Org : The Home of Mystical Islam on the World Wide Web. 31 Mar. 2009 <

History of Remedys." Oracle ThinkQuest Library. 01 Apr. 2009 <

Islamic Media City
. 31 Mar. 2009 <

Welcome to W.W. Norton & Company. 01 Apr. 2009 <

Wildlife Holidays and Tours from Naturetrek. 30 Mar. 2009

01 Apr. 2009 <>.

5-4-1 Aesthetic. 31 Mar. 2009 <

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